Guest Lecture
The Visual Art Study Program also invites guest lecturers to support lecture activities and to improve the competence, insight, skills and quality of study program students. This activity is intended to prepare students who are ready to enter the world of work.
Full name with title |
Academic Background |
Current Professional Career |
Teaching areas |
No. of teaching hours |
Further qualifications |
dr. Roslan Yusni Hasan, Sp.BS |
S3 Neuroscience Tokyo University |
Neuroscience Lecturer, Tokyo University Neurosurgeon and Director of Neuroscience Center Mayapada Hospital Jakarta |
Art education, concept of art education, inclusive art education |
2 hours /month |
Researcher in neuroscience |
Wildan Zalfi, S.Ds. |
S1 Visual Communication Design, Semen Indonesia International University |
Content Creator |
Design in arts education, entrepreneurship |
3 hours |
Anang Prasetyo, S.Pd. |
S1 Fine Arts, State University of Surabaya |
Teacher Art Studio Manager “Padhang Jingglang Tulungagung” |
Art education, art learning media, management of art |
3 hours |
Deni Junaedi, S.Sn., MA |
Master's Degree in Performing Arts and Fine Arts, Postgraduate Program at Gajah Mada University. |
Painting Lecturer, Department of Fine Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Indonesian Institute of Arts Yogyakarta Content creator “PAINTING EXPLORER Channel”, Artist |
Visual arts and crafts (paintings, sketches), arts learning media, entrepreneurship |
3 hours |
Devy Ferdianto |
Department of Fine Arts, Faculty of Art and Design, Bandung Institute of Technology |
Founder of DEVFTO Printmaking Institute |
Visual arts and craft (printmaking), arts learning media, entrepreneurship |
6 hours |
Dr. Agung Hujarnika, S.Sn., M.Sn. |
S3 Art Studies, Faculty of Art and Design, Bandung Institute of Technology |
Lecturer, Faculty of Arts and Design, Bandung Institute of Technology Curator |
Visual art and craft, curatorial, management of art |
3 hours |
Andi Yudha Asfandiyar, S.Sn. |
S1 Graphic Design, Faculty of Art and Design, Bandung Institute of Technology |
Founder of PicuPacu Creativity Indonesia, storyteller, illustrators, Book Authors, Graphic Designers, One Line Drawer |
Illustration, art learning media, entrepreneurship |
3 hours |
Naufal Noordyanto, S.Sn., M.Sn. |
Master's Degree in Art Creation, Faculty of Fine Arts, Yogyakarta Art Institute |
Lecturer in Visual Communication Design, Ten November Institute of Technology (ITS) Graphic Designers, Poster Artist |
Design in art education, art learning media |
3 hours |
Ilham Khoiri, S.Ag., M.Sn. |
Master's Degree Program Faculty of Fine Arts and Design Bandung Institute of Technology |
Lecturer in Visual Communication Design, Multimedia Nusantara University, Writer and Editor |
Art education, art learning media, design in art education |
3 hours |
Dolorosa Sinaga |
Jakarta Institute of Arts, sculpture and bronze casting at Central Saint Martin's – University of the Arts London, UK, San Francisco Art Institute, USA, and at The University of Maryland, USA |
Lecturer, Jakarta Institute of the Arts Sculpture Artist |
Visual arts and crafts (sculpture), entrepreneurship |
3 hours |
Edwin Jurrins |
Visual arts and crafts (environmental art), art education |
3 hours |
Dawn Riyanto |
Mes 56 Yogyakarta |
Visual arts and crafts (photography) |
3 hours |
Dyah Retno Fitriani, S.Sn., M.Sn. |
Postgraduate Master of the Indonesian Institute of the Arts Yogyakarta majoring in Art Creation |
Ceramic Artist, researchers, Dyah Workshop Founder, Lecturer of the Department of Ceramic Craft ISI Yogyakarta |
Visual Art and craft (ceramics), management of art, entrepreneurship |
5 hours |
Ayuditya Widya Cahyani, S.Pd. |
PGSD Sanata Dharma University |
Concept of art education, inclusive art education, art learning |
3 hours |
Mochamad Fajar, S.Pd. |
UNY Fine Arts Education |
Independent art teacher |
Concept of art education, art learning, learning theory |
3 hours |
Condro Wiratmoko, S.Pd., M.Pd. |
Master of Arts and Culture, Postgraduate of the State University of Surabaya |
Teacher SMA Negeri 2 Surabaya |
Technology in art learning, concept of art education, art learning media |
3 hours |